With each holding its own meaning, properties and history, there is
always so much to discover about gemstones. Every month is closely
aligned with its own gemstone, and this is our guide through the
age-old symbols of birthstones thought to bring special qualities to
the wearer. Discover the symbolism of your own stone and find a
particularly personal piece.

A rich, vibrant gemstone associated with the first month of the
year, the word ‘Garnet’ originates from the Latin for ‘pomegranate
seed’, and it’s easy to see why this association was made! Whilst
deep red garnets are the most recognisable, they come in a variety
of hues, including greens and blues.
An incredibly durable stone, garnet has been used historically as a
protective talisman for warriors going into battle - and is still
believed by some to protect the wearer against illness, disturbance
and bad dreams.

February’s birthstone is Amethyst most well known as a shade of
purple, but this gemstone also comes in shades of green and blue.
Green Amethyst is a particular favourite of Alex and our Design
A variety of quartz, amethyst is a relatively durable gem that can
be found all over the world. It is spiritually believed to be a
meditative and calming stone, offering peace and tranquillity - with
Green Amethyst in particular connecting the wearer to nature and the

Long associated with the ocean, the colour of Aquamarine ranges from
a pale azure mirroring crystal clear water, to a deep vibrant sea
In legend, Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids
and has been carried by sailors throughout history as a talisman of
protection in open waters. It is often believed to evoke calming
energies, and feelings of relaxation and freedom in the wearer.

Probably one of the most coveted of all precious stones, April's
birthstone is Diamond - which has been dazzling people throughout
history.Diamonds are believed to symbolise strength, longevity and
of course, everlasting love. Their radiant sparkle and unrivalled
durability makes them the perfect stones for those much-loved pieces
you wish to wear every single day!
As a more affordable option, White Topaz sits alongside Diamond as a
birthstone for April. These two stones have a long standing link,
going back to the 1700s, when a 1680 carat gemstone was mined in
Brazil and was thought to be the largest diamond in the entire
world. It was named the 'Braganza Diamond' and even found a home in
the Portuguese crown. The stone turned out to be a huge white topaz,
but this forever forged a connection between these two sparkling

Emeralds are a member of the Beryl family of minerals, and are
synonymous with the colour green. Derived from the word “smaragdus,”
quite literally meaning, “green” in Greek, believed by some to
encourage truth and love.
Rich in colour, Emeralds often symbolise rebirth and are thought to
bring the owner good fortune, vitality, health and prosperity.

Worn by style icons throughout history, Pearls are synonymous with
timeless elegance, and the birthstone of those lucky enough to be
born in June. A natural phenomena occurring within a living mollusc
such as an oyster, pearls are formed over time, as the oyster
creates layer upon layer of mother-of-pearl around a small foreign
body. Even though most pearls are cultured, they are still an
entirely natural gem.
Forever alluring, pearls are associated with purity, humility, and
innocence and are thought to enhance focus and personal integrity.

Extremely popular throughout history, this rich red gemstone is
technically from the same mineral family as sapphire - Corundum.
Generally, when a Corundum is red, it is classified as a ruby.
Thought by some to bring happiness and passion to the life of the
wearer, rubies are exceptionally durable and perfect for everyday

Always green in a range of hues, Peridot brings a fresh pop of
colour for those born in August, and is, this vibrant gemstone is a
beautiful choice for Summer birthdays.
Peridot was highly valued by the ancient Egyptians, who kept the
location of its volcanic mines secret, and believed it to be the
"gem of the sun," which could keep nightmares at bay. It is also
believed by some to bring the wearer compassion, good health and
inspire eloquence and creativity.

A big favourite here at Alex Monroe, it is those with a September
birthday who can take claim to the sapphire.
Few gems have captured attention throughout history the way the
sapphire has, and although perhaps most famous for its deep blue
hue, with a royal connection - sapphires actually come in a rainbow
of colours. Traditionally symbolising sincerity, truth, faithfulness
and promoting wisdom and depth of thought for the wearer.

Distinctly individual, opals are quite extraordinary, - watch as
flashes of rainbow colours seem to almost dance from within this
milky gemstone, lending an almost ethereal feel!
Australia is the most notable area for opal mining, and Australian
indigenous people believed opals held spiritual value, representing
something left behind by their ancestors as a sign of their
presence. More recent associations see Opal as a symbol of purity,
hope and truth.

Those with November birthdays can choose from the warm golden hues
of Citrine, a sunny shade of crystalline quartz, often associated
with bringing happiness, joy and abundance to the wearer.
As an alternative, we love the vibrant shade of Blue Topaz. The
Ancient Greeks held the fantastic notion that wearing topaz could
make a soldier invisible to his enemies! More recently, Blue Topaz
is often seen to relate to honesty, clarity and strong emotional

Those born in the last month of the year can look to Turquoise as
their birthstone, with its solid blue-green appearance, often having
delicate veins running through it creating unique patterns.
Turquoise has been used for ornamentation by humans for thousands of
years, with deep roots in the indigenous communities across North
America, where it would also be used in healing practices, and as
tokens of protection.
The Pueblo people believed that turquoise received its colour
directly from the sky, but many western associations also stem from
these ancient beliefs, linking Turquoise to wisdom, tranquillity,
protection, good fortune, and hope.
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