Episode Six - Olivia Williams
In our newest episode of ‘This is a Token’ Alex is joined at home in London, by the wonderful actor Olivia Williams. Best known for her brilliant roles in Wes Anderson’s ‘Rushmore’, ‘The Sixth Sense’, ‘An Education’ and ‘Friends’, Olivia talks to Alex about 3 unique and precious rings, each given to her by three special and very different women in her life.
Listen in as old friends, Alex and Olivia, discuss adventures in Afghanistan, unusual techniques of attraction, and the complexity of jewellery that is so precious and full of sentiment, it can often be quite difficult to wear with ease.
“I was so excited to chat to Olivia. She’s had this amazing Hollywood career and been in some of my favourite plays here in London. We discussed how to survive (and keep grounded) in LA, and extraordinary adventures in Afghanistan. She’s incredibly down to earth and great fun to chat to… and she has some fascinating pieces of jewellery to show me!”
- Alex Monroe

Here are some useful links for further reading on issues, events and artefacts discussed by Alex and Olivia.
To read about Olivia’s filmography, go to www.imdb.com/name/nm0931404/
For information on writing a will www.moneysavingexpert.com/family/free-cheap-wills/